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Missing SharePoint update when adding a new server to the farm

Hello, So this came up to me recently where I had an existing server farm and I wanted to add a new server to it. The farm had only 1 server (2008 R2) patched to July 2019 CU and I wanted to add a new server (2012R2). I installed the patches and when I run the configuration wizard it detected that 1 patch was missing on the new server: KB2883068. I went to Microsoft page to download it but, surprise surprise that KB is no longer support and they remove it from the site. What you can do to bring the server to the same patch level as the existing one in the farm: 1. Download OPUtil.vbs from 2. Open command prompt as administrator and run the following command: CSCRIPT.exe .\oputil.vbs /ApplyPatch /SUpdateLocation="\\SourceServer\c$\Windows\Installer" 3. Run the configuration wizard one more time after step 2 is completed.
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